With the alarming increase in numbers of PLHIV (people living with HIV) Pinoy Plus, a group of Filipinos infected with HIV which has been helping the government in reaching out to infected individuals through peer counseling have identified males-having sex-males(MSM) and transgender women who have sex with men (TGW) are afraid to seek treatment because” they still could not accept that they are infected” – Owie Franco (Advocate)

What hinders to get tested ? Unfortunately, many people with HIV have not been tested or are thought not to have been tested citing the implications are both tragic and costly. At the intrapersonal level, people’s beliefs about themselves, their risks and their environments (such as the perception that one is not at risk) keep them from being tested. At the interpersonal level, interactions with others — such as health-care providers being perceived as unhelpful, insensitive or judgmental — can dissuade people from being tested or from entering and staying in treatment.

Other considerations at the structural level, several factors, such as lack of access to facilities and health-care providers where HIV testing is provided, can keep people from getting tested and into care.
According to DOH recent data HIV incidence is highest are those in which Medicaid has not been expanded.

Poverty indices are associated with all of these levels.
Social factors will also put into considerations. Between 15-24 years old, they have the most contributed in numbers because of easy access to social gay apps that is easy to download, pubs and party events that encourages strangers for easy hook ups.
This is a challenge to our government and health instution to draft a much rigorous campaign as education in safe sex is lacking in all social levels.

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